Do you smile when you run? I highly recommend it! Join my journey as I happily log the miles and experience all life has to offer.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
I Run 4 Lucy.... and now I get to meet her
Stay tuned for more updates from my trip to Lucy!!!!!
If you're interested in more information about the I Run 4 organization, check out their website:
Info on SMA: (All about Lucy!)
Thursday, June 18, 2015
My first loss
Well.... when I initially finished my 100 miler I thought for sure I was going to lose a toenail. I had a pretty big blister under the big toenail and kicking a tree root in the night didn't help. When I finally took my socks and shoes off it wasn't a pretty sight. But as the days and weeks went on the nail seemed like it was going to survive. Sure it wasn't exactly pretty but it was still there.
But, last night I felt a weird pull as I turned over in the bed. I sat up and said.... My nail fell off. I didn't even need to check, I just knew. And sure enough, the nail was gone.
I kind of expected to lose a nail at some point in my running life and I guess post 100 miler is about a good a time as any. I know... I know... who wants to read a post about a lost toenail, but this is the reality of my running experience. Aren't you glad I didn't put pictures though :) if you want to see my poor little toe, comment below and just maybe....
Run on my friends, even if your nails fall off.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Girls on the Run: an Impromptu 5k

As we moved up to the starting line, the sky stared growing darker. We knew rain was coming but didn't know how much. Layevska and I were planning on running the whole race and Mrs. Molina Limas gave us her blessing to do just that! She was going to go her own pace and finish her first 5k too.

I was smiling from that moment on.
The rain came within the first 1/2 mile. First just little sprinkles but soon was a full on rain. We chitchatted and ran steady to the first aid station. Grabbed some water and kept moving. We had a goal to accomplish. The rain was really coming down but Layevska's spirits were up. She was so happy to be out running. I kept looking over at her and filling up with joy to see her doing so well. The rain however was making her beautiful tutu heavy. She decided to take it off and so I grabbed it from her to lighten her load.
The route was one loop around the Chicagoland Speedway. Before I even realized we were at mile 2 and on the back side of the building. I knew this race would go by too quickly! With only a mile to go, Layevska started picking up speed. She was looking for holes to pass others and running really well. If she was tired, nobody knew! She was on it! We came into the finish shoot just as they were announcing "the event is cancelled... seek shelter now"
We quickly got under the picnic shelter and waited for her mom to cross the finish line. She came in shortly after.... also all smiles!!! Not only did they finish their first 5K.... they did it in a monsoon. Now that is what I call bragging rights.