Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Joys of Winter Running

Mid-west winters.....  are one of a kind. We've been blessed the past couple of years to have pretty "easy" winters. This year we are getting our share of snow and cold temps. This can create a challenge for a
spring event training plan.  

Some would say.... too cold, too wet, too much snow....etc and skip out on the run.

I've found it's easy to find a way to make the runs happen with friends and goals kept in mind. I like to play tricks/games with myself to stay motivated and moving.

Too cold/dangerous to run outside? Stay indoors! I've found the fun in running the indoor track at the gym. As long as you can handle looping for hours you can get a long run in any kind of weather without the use of the treadmill.  One positive I found with the indoor track is that I run without my garmin. I just enjoy the time running without stressing pace. I still keep track of miles but with a fun, tech-free counting system from my awesome nephew, Jaelon. He is a rainbow loom expert (see pic below)

Sure, winter running has many challenges, don't get me wrong, but I don't mind this season for my training.

If you're a winter runner you'll understand: increased laundry, the extra time to bundle and de-bundle, running nose, and frozen eye-lashes, and the surprisingly still-there question "did I overdress?!"

But if you are a winter runner you also know the: quiet, peaceful mornings, the huge flakes catching your cheeks, the glitter of fresh powder, and the joy of fresh footprints on the trail.

Find what you love about the winter to help get though the next couple of months. Stay warm and enjoy life!

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