I have a saying I often use with my students and it continues to drift into my everyday life: "Set yourself up for success." To me, this means take care of the things I can control to give myself the best chances to be successful in my endeavour.
I like to set my gear out the night before a long run. It helps me focus some intention on the morning work. And let's face it... having things set out gives me a few more moments with my pillow before the day starts.
I used to worry that I'd show up to a run with others and I wouldn't fit in. I wasn't as high-tech or dressed in the latest running fashions. This fear would cause me to doubt my running and my ability to connect with others. It would even keep me from going to some runs. I would sabotage myself with worrying about something as silly as gear!

Beyond the running life, find what "gear" you need to make your experiences successful and your own.
I hope when people think back on me as a runner (and beyond) their memories won't be of my tall socks and mix-matched shorts/top but will be the "gear" of my kind spirit, connected conversation, and enjoyable miles together.
The gear of the soul..... is better than any brand, gadget, and high-tech toy.