Saturday, November 18, 2017

Bucket List

I was recently asked.... "What's on your bucket list?" And I was stumped.  I stuttered... my mind went blank and all I could force out: "I don't know. You see, I'm a creature of habit, I'm afraid to try really hard things...." I felt like an idiot.

There are races I want to do but if I'm really honest with myself I pick events that I think I can do well/finish, that are the most economical, that don't force me to adjust my schedule too much, etc.  But is that really helping me with my goal of being more "adventurous and carefree"?!

I left that day (volunteering at the Paleozoic Cambrian Fall) and decided that I needed a bucket list.  Sure, we were talking about races but I don't know that I even have a bucket list in general.  I'm nervous a lot.  I worry.  I don't adjust well.  I prepare, I plan, I make goals and lists.  I play it safe.  But I want adventure.  I CRAVE adventure. 

So here's to 2018.  I need to get thinking about that bucket list.

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