The Highlights
* Round 2 of Javelina Jundred (Run party in the desert)
* Running with a cold
* Awesome crew and pacers
* Blessed to finish
Read on for the whole story of my 4th hundred mile finish. Scroll all the way to the bottom to just view some pics.
The Before:

Parents in tow, we headed out to Phoenix, AZ for our 2nd year of the Javelina Jundred. We knew we had to be as efficient as possible once we landed so we could drop the pop-up canopy and rush to packet pickup before the 6pm close time (they have race morning pickup, which is awesome, but I didn't want to have to worry about that the morning of).
We picked up the rental car and drove out to McDowell Mountain Regional Park. The start/finish was hopping with sites already decked out for the biggest run party in the desert. We quickly found a spot for the 6 x6 pop-up tent (yes I can fit that in my suitcase) and headed out to Puesta del Sol for packet pickup.

A quick trip to Target, dinner at the hotel restaurant, a mental strategy session with my dad, and a date with the steamer and I was ready for bed. It was a whirlwind day but we got done everything needed to start the race early the next morning.
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Thanks for crewing Dad |
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Team Rugged Running |
The energy at the starting line is almost indescribable: electric, gives ya goosebumps, and a huge smile. I met 2 other Rugged Runners: Lulu and DiscO right before we started the 6:10 wave.
Loop 1 (0-22 miles) The Long Loop

I came up on an aid station and I hear "come on, you got a little jog in you". Thanks for the heads up before taking my pic! The second half of the loop this direction is wonderfully smooth and downhill. The extra section on the first loop is where I started to notice the heat but it didn't feel too terrible. Lulu and I met up towards the end of the loop and were able to check in with each other. She cruised on ahead of me looking strong.
I came in through tent city (see a time lapse video from the JJ twitter feed on tent setup) and hit the turn around. Stopped at my crew tent for a refill on everything in my vest. My parents were there to take care of my pack. Leaving them, the plan was to head to the aid station and fill water before heading out for the 2nd loop. I saw my wonderful friend, Ian Stevens, and he walked with me into the aid station. As soon as I handed my bottle to the aid station worker I got really woozy. I was swaying on my feet and not really able to verbalize my needs. Ian instantly said let's get you sitting down. In my mind I thought, shoot... this day is over. I made 3 people fly out here with me to be done after 22 miles. But I simply said "can you get my mom" and off Ian ran to get my mom. Sitting dazed, my mom checked my heart rate and I downed 20 oz of water. I had my coach, Michele Yates' voice in my head "chug water. it might slosh in your stomach for a 1/4 mile but you'll feel better for it". I sat for about 5 min regrouping. My mom and Ian stayed with me the whole time. I finally said that I thought I could go on. I'd fill up more water and then just walk. I was planning on walking most of the second loop anyway since it would be the heat of the day.
Loop 2 (22 - 41 miles) The Hot Loop
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Ice Bandanna is key to staying cool |
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Genius costume for shade |

My dad had the most wonderful frozen treat waiting for me after loop 2. I sat, ate frozen lemonade, was re-sprayed with sunblock, garbage/fuel swap, and packed my vest for the next loop.
Loop 3 (41 - 62 miles) The Snake Loop
Last year I had headlamp issues and so that was one area I came ready to improve. I had a brighter headlamp and a handheld flashlight in tow for loop 3. I knew I would end this loop in the dark... alone. But I kept telling myself, after loop 3 I can to run with pacers. Loop three was pretty exciting, I was running pretty well still. I was meeting lots of new trail friends. And... I saw 2 rattlesnakes! Each time I was lucky to be near at least 1 other runner. "what was that..." followed by all lights shining towards to sides of the trail. The first rattlesnake was mad and he really did let us know it with their rattles. The second one was just cruising along the side of the trail in the brush. I was thankful they weren't actually on the trail and we didn't step on them.The only thing that started weighing on me was some pain in the fronts of my ankles. I thought it's probably the pressure on the front of my gaiters. I could ditch them after the loop and just worry about the sand in my shoes later. I needed to get that pressure off.
Lights were a huge success. I kept my light on the lowest setting and it was plenty. There was a pretty full moon and the natural light was great. Every aid station had ENERGY! Music, laughter, and workers ready to HELP! I was still pretty warm so even though I had a long sleeve shirt in my pack ready to go, I was the one still asking for ice. There was always a supply of ice and that was wonderful. I started taking in noodles and broth on this loop. Even though I was warm, it was nice to get in some different food. The wafers just weren't going down anymore but I was keeping up with gels, salt tabs and water. My watch died somewhere along loop 3 so I wasn't too sure about timing but I just kept moving. In my head I was thinking a finish would be awesome... I just need a finish, I thought I was done after 22 miles... a finish would be incredible.
I came into Javelina Jeadquarters and made my way around the tent city parade route. Crew were catching a little shut eye but everyone that was up was there to give an encouraging word. I came back to my crew tent and my mom was ready to head out. We quickly swapped out fuel in my pack, I ditched the gaiters, and headed to the aid-station to grab some food.
***** second critial fix from last year: My dad was in charge of making me change my contacts after this loop. He was ready with my sanatizer, contact solution, and fresh pair. This was KEY to the success of my eye sight the rest of the race. ZERO contact issues this year. Thanks, Dad! *****
Loop 4 (62 - 81 miles) The Mom Loop
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Night running... thanks for the pic, mom |
We got into Jackass, passed on the shots, beer, and dance floor, grabbed food/refilled water and headed into the downhill rocky section. Even though this portion of the course is downhill... I struggled to run because of how rocky it was. Just so many rocks. I thought about how amazing the elites are that just fly through this course (I mean the winner ran it in 13:41!). Every time I said I needed to walk, my mom was right there with me saying "it's ok. You're walking strong". She was the best encourager. We made it to Coyote and then the 4 more miles into Jeadquarters. I had to make it back out on Loop 5 by 6:00 am to make the cutoff. We came into the tent city around 4:00 am. Through the parade loop and then they put that wonderful "final loop" glow bracelet on and I headed back to the crew tent to swap out supplies and pacers.
Loop 5 (81 - 100 miles) The Victory Loop

Coming into Jackass for the last time was great. Thanked volunteers for all their help, grabbed chapstick from my dropbag and made sure I put plenty of ice in my bandanna. Now it was 10 more miles (mostly downhill and smooth) to the finish. To be honest.... I was in PAIN. I kept telling Ralph my ankles hurt. Then as soon as we headed out of Jackass with just over 5 miles to Rattlesnake, I had to go to the bathroom. I had waited for about 5 minutes for a portapotty at the last aid station and so I skipped it at Jackass thinking I could make it to the next stop. Well... I couldn't. Almost in tears, my FIL says "oh just go behind that rock". Those were blessed words!
Ultras aren't pretty... but I am very thankful Ralph was willing to endure the gross journey of the last 20 miles of a 100. The day was heating up and I was in that rough mental spot of thinking about everything that hurts, how far every mile seems, and the fear of not finishing in time. While Ralph ensured me we would finish I could tell he was mentally calculating another goal. We came into Rattlesnake, the last aid station and about 4 miles from the finish saying we were about an hour ahead of last year. In my head I knew if I could keep up that pace, it would be a PR! But I wasn't sure that was possible. Ralph continued to push and I tried my best to "run" as much as possible.
We ran past the tree where we saw a coyote last year. We saw runners heading our direction saying you've only got X number of miles left. We pushed on. Then.... the most wonderful site, Jeadquarters. You see the tents and hear the music before actually entering the loop. We get up to the parade loop and Ralph says you have 6 minutes to get under 28 hours. That's all I needed to hear. We took off RUNNING. I didn't know how far the parade loop was (even though it was my 5th trip) and I wanted to be in the 27s. The crowd was amazing. People cheer for everyone, even those of us who take over twice as long to run 100 miles as the winners. The back-of-packers still have a cheering section at Javelina! I ran past my parents, made the turn through tent city, and ran the UPHILL to the finish.
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Running in to a new PR |
The After:
Post race was a little bit of a blur. I sat down in the shade for a bit. My ankles were pretty sore, I had heat rash/chafing, and my feet hurt... but my heart was totally happy. We spent a couple more days in Arizona and I had the luxury of relaxing, recovering, and eating lots of food.
I am so thankful for:
* My awesome crew. My dad took a very active role this year and was a huge help! My mom is always crew captain, but dad helped everything run more efficiently this year. He went above and beyond his role as my contact change man and took on lots of crewing responsibilities. I am forever thankful. Crewing is not easy.... having parents crew is a huge gift and blessing.
*Pacers: Mom and Ralph both have a different style of pacing and I needed both this year. Thankful to have active family that are willing to join in on these crazy adventures. Sorry I didn't pics with you guys.
* Michele Yates: you got me ready for this race with a top notch training plan. Even running sick, I got a PR! Your plans are no joke and really get a runner ready to accomplish goals.
* Ian Stevens: I'm calling you my angel on this one. You kept me in the game. We only saw each other after loop one but it was critical to my success out there.
* All the volunteers: I can't say which aid station was the best because they were all amazing. Honestly the most fun, helpful environment to run 100 miles.
The Gear
*Rugged Running TShirt and Buff
*Road Runner compression shorts
*Saucony Ride
*Injinji Socks
*Ultimate Direction Vesta
*Squirels Nut Butter
*Desitin (Blister Control for feet)
The Food:
*10 Salted Caramel Gels
*8 Honey Stinger Wafers
* Too Many Salt Tabs
* 1 pickle slice
* Frozen Lemonade
* 4 cups of ramen
* 6 bean/avocado wraps (minis)
* Pringles
* 2 pancakes
*Ginger Ale
*Mountain Dew
Extra Pictures
The numbers man, Ralph |
Lucy's always got my back |
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Another buckle for sweet, Lucy! |
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Lucky to run with Catra for a bit. She rocks! |
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Sunday AM |
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Sunday morning maybe 85ish miles in |
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Sore ankles = feet up and relaxing |
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The not so pretty side of ultras: heat rash |