So it's been quite a while since my last post. It's not like I haven't been running, but I haven't had the itch to share. I hope that doesn't come across as rude. But I have always tried to stick with the philosophy that I would not write unless I had something to say. Well.... I don't have a lot to say, but I've been able to do a bit of traveling lately and so I've been able to experience running on the road. While I enjoy getting out and seeing new places, I've never really traveled for races. I think I'm nervous I'll forget something or be too exhausted to fly back home. (Sounds silly right?!)
Well, this has definitely been a year where I've focused on pushing out of my comfort zone, facing fears, and trying new things. Even though we're almost done with 2016 I don't see myself stopping at the end of the year. I think it's important to keep pushing..... growing; not only in my running life but also in general.
Here are a few pics from my adventures on the road, and this coming year maybe I'll get the guts to travel beyond the Midwest to race......
Beach/trail run in Seattle |
Run along the water in Hoboken, NJ (great view of NYC) |
Work trip in NM |
St. Marys, OH (Visit to Grandparents)